tisdag 12 oktober 2010


Hello out there!

Long time, no see.
Frankly, I´ve been busy, oh so busy lately, and the blog has not been among my first priorities.

Since I´m not updating that often, from now on the blog will be mostly about my travels and trips around the world, and less about my everyday-life. Hope you´ll stay with me and comment on my adventures that I´ll publish!

Yours, Bella

2 kommentarer:

  1. Off course darling! Ser med spännings fram emot att läsa om dina kommande resäventyr. Livet går i vågor, nu får du längta o se fram emot din nästa resa!! :0) Snart så... Puss hjärtat!!

  2. Fast jag vill läsa om din vardag också juuuuu :) Kram!
