One of the first refections from Dubai... No matter how strange you might find it (or not?)...
Men in dishdasha... Hm... That´s really something:P I don´t know why or in which way I find it so damn attractive, but what I know is that if my man was an Emirati, there would be no discussion: He would have to wear the traditional dishdasha...
So what is a dishdasha??
This is the official definition by webster´s:
Main Entry: dish·dasha
Pronunciation: \ˌdish-ˈdä-shə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Arabic dishdāsha
Date: 1938
: a long usually white robe traditionally worn by men in the Middle East
Main Entry: dish·dasha
Pronunciation: \ˌdish-ˈdä-shə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Arabic dishdāsha
Date: 1938
: a long usually white robe traditionally worn by men in the Middle East
In Dubai and the UAE most Emirati men tend to wear a dishdasha, usually white and long, combined with a keffiyeh (a headscarf or a square of cloth) either in white or in Palestinian patterns. The keffiyeh is usually folded in half, into a triangle, and the fold is worn across the forehead. Often, the keffiyeh is held in place by a black rope circlet, called an agal.
And yes, this is really so attractive... And yes again... You are allowed to think I am strange... Or maybe you even agree with me??
Even if you don´t agree with me, I am sure you will not be able to tell this little dishdasha-wearing man is not absolutely gorgeous?
Hihi, du är söt du gumman *s* Får berätta allt om dina äventyr när vi ses. Längtar...Puss i puss :0)
SvaraRaderaHaha, du är knasig du. Fast på ett bra sätt, själv gillar jag män med slitna jeans och en vanlig enkel vit t-shirt (typ). Smaken är som baken ;p
SvaraRaderaDet duger det med Linda:P Fast det beror ju mest på vem de slitna jeansen och t-shirten sitter på... :P
SvaraRaderaHaha, det har du i och för sig rätt i ;p