1. L'avortement - Abort: Pour/För
2/ La peine de mort - Dödsstraff: Contre/Mot
3/ L'adoption - Adoption: Pour/För
4/ La légalisation des drogues/Legalisering av droger: Contre/Mot
5/ La cigarette/Cigaretter: Contre/Mot
6/ L'alcool/Alkohol: Contre/Mot
7/ Les préservatifs/Kondomer: Pour/För
8/ Le racisme/Rasism: Contre/Mot
9/ La protection de l'environnement/Miljöskydd: Pour/För
10/ Les Fast-Foods (Mac Do, Quick...): Pour/För
11/ Le string qui dépasse/Synliga sting (ovanför byxlinningen): Contre/Mot
12/ L'amour sur internet/Kärlek på internet: Pour/För
13/ Le téléchargement sur internet/Nedladdning på internet: Pour/För
14/ Les femmes dans un métier d'homme/Kvinnor i ett manligt yrke: Pour/För
15/ Les cours de sexualité au collège/Sexualkuskap i skolan: Pour/För
And some comments för my answers... In english, as I don´t want to write all in both french and swedish...
1/Ok, as long as it is not used instead of condoms/pills etc. The right of the woman.
2/No, better to punish crime with other methods, like life-time imprisoning.
3/Why not give a child the chance to a better life?
4/Definately nooo...
5/I don´t like smoking, although it is up to everyone themselves to choose smoking or not...
6/There are too many drawbacks with alcohol, so we are better without it.
7/Yes, of course.
8/We are all worth the same. Noone should be judged beacause of the colour of their skin/heritage/religion...
9/If we don´t protect our environment it will be destroyed completely.
10/So good sometimes... But not too often:)
11/So ugly!
12/Yes, why not!
13/Good, at least for me.
14/Of course!
15/Yes, but don´t take it to the extend... But of course we should all learn about our physics and what to watch out for...
Over and out for today:)
Tycker exakt som dig =)