torsdag 31 december 2009

Sammanfattning 2009...

Jag vet, jag vet... Jag är en copycat, men jag gillade Lindas (
årssammanfattning så jag kopierar hennes rakt av och fyller på med mina svar:)

01. Gjorde du något i år som du aldrig gjort förut: Det gjorde jag säkert... Hm... Jo, det gjorde jag, men det tänker jag inte berätta här:) *ler*

02. Höll du några av dina nyårslöften: Tror inte jag hade några faktiskt.

03. Blev någon/några av dina vänner föräldrar i år: Ja, flera stycken.

04. Dog någon som stod dig nära: Nej, som tur är. I alla fall ingen som stod mig jättenära. Al hamdolilah.

05. Vilka länder besökte du: Frankrike gånger många, USA, Marocko, Estland, Ryssland, Tyskland, Förenade Arabemiraten och Thailand.

06. Är det något du saknar år 2009 som du vill ha år 2010: Mer ork att göra saker på fritiden!

07. Vilket datum från år 2009 kommer du alltid att minnas: Det är nog flera datum... :) Men USA-resan i Mars var en fin upplevelse:) Likaså att återse mitt kära Marocko efter 2 år!

08. Vad var din största framgång 2009: Ehh, öhh... Jag vet inte... Troligtvis att jag är en grym sjuksköterska och fick mycket beröm av mina patienter:)

09. Största misstaget: Can´t remember. Hade du frågat mig förra året hade jag vetat precis!

10. Har du varit sjuk eller skadat dig: Har varit förkyld ett par gånger, och någon sväng av kräksjuka har man väl också haft, annars ganska lugnt.

11. Bästa köpet: Allt jag köpte på Macy´s i N.Y.

12. Vad spenderade du mest pengar på: Resor.

13. Gjorde någonting dig riktigt glad: Jag är alltid glad att jag har världens bästa mamma, och fina vänner.

14. Vilka sånger kommer alltid att påminna dig om 2009: Hm... Mixen av musik från The Voice radio, som jag alltid lyssnar på när jag ska till jobbet. Måste jag välja en låt blir det nog "Sexy bitch".

15. Var du gladare eller ledsnare i år jämfört med tidigare år: Mestadels gladare.

16. Vad önskar du att du gjort mer: Rest!

17. Vad önskar du att du gjort mindre: Spenderat tid på att tänka på idioter och oroa sig över vad dessa ska ta sig till härnäst.

18. Hur tillbringar du julen: Med familjen.

19. Blev du kär i år: Det beror på...

20. Favoritprogram på TV: Andra Avenyn och Mammas pojkar var ganska roliga:)

21. Bästa boken du läste i år: Har läst för många bra böcker! "Flyga drake", "Tusen strålande solar" och "Twilight-serien" står högt upp på listan.

22. Största musikaliska upptäckten: Ingen aning...

24. Något du önskade dig och fick när du fyllde år: Ja då:)

25. Något du önskade dig men inte fick: Ja, massor!

26. Vad gjorde du på din födelsedag 2009: Kommer inte ihåg, jobbade säkert!

27. Finns det någonting som skulle gjort ditt år ännu bättre: Ja.

28. Hur skulle du beskriva din stil år 2009: Hyfsad, ingen större skillnad från tidigare. I´m always a classy lady:)

29. Vad fick dig att må bra: Mamma!

30. Vilken kändis var du mest sugen på: Ingen... Ja, jag vet jag är tråkig!

31. Vem saknade du: Många...

32. De bästa nya människorna du träffade: Oj... Ingen aning, men det var trevligt att lära känna Kristina L. och Emma S. på jobbet:)

Happy New Year!!

onsdag 30 december 2009

Siam, Siam, a true dreamdestination in so many ways...

Dear readers...
Finally an update from me, I apologize for my lazyness and for not keeping you updated.

I´ll promise (at least I´ll try my very best) to improve and write more for you...

So, what has happened since last post?

Probably too much to listen to, so I´ll cut out the best for you guys.

Firstly there has been a lot of working as usual. I´m still at KUA (the ward for clinical education here at Danderyd), but soon to be off to ward 56, which I consider "my home" (when we are talking about work...)
Secondly, I have been on my longed for holiday in Thailand.

Imagine 3 weeks, just doing what you want, no expectations or "must do´s", white pristine beaches, crystalclear water, friendly people and shopping that you will not find in many other places... Yes, that is what I had. Lovely, isn´t it?

Well, to be honest there are a few drawbacks as well, but they are quite few, and they are definately in the shadow of all the amazing things in lovely Siam...

Furthermore, I got myself an amazing tan, really my skin was glowing and if I can say it myself, my body was gorgeously chocolate/bronzebrown... Unfortunately the tan is fading away quickly, but I still have a little colour left:) Maybe I´ll pay a visit to the solarium this week.

Anyway, I´ll publish some pics for you, so you can see how lovely my holiday was.
Here we go!
Me, enjoying the salty Andaman sea.
Nightview from our Balcony at Tropical garden resort.
Fish in the crystalclear waters...
Rang Yai island, where the grow pearls on their pearlfarm.
Pristine beach on Koh Khai Nok
Longtails at Kata...
Guide to the corals at Koh Khai Nok
The most northern part of Kata beach
Lots of fish it is...
Dead corals on land at Koh Khai Nok
Paradise - Koh Khai Nok
Snorkeling equals bumping into a lot of fish!
Our speedboat at Khai Nok
Yes it is her!
Kata beach seen from the northern part of the beach.
My favourite place - Kata south...

Fish, fish, fish...

And more fish outside Koh Khai Nai with beautiful reefs and shallow waters (about 3-5 meters).

Flowerdecorations are typical Thai...

And more flowers...

Fried rice with vegetables, yummy!
Eveningview from balcony...
Kata south

Over and out! See ya soon!

söndag 8 november 2009

Slut på Idol 2009...

Hejsan igen!

Drygt en vecka sedan senaste inlägget, jag vet... Jag skäms, men ska försöka bättra mig så småningom!

Denna vecka har bestått mestadels av jobb (comme d´hab), och i ärlighetens namn inte så mycket annat, bortsett från en underbar dejt med bästis-Emily i onsdags.

Idag är det söndag och andra dagen den här veckan som jag inte jobbar, vilket känns ovanligt, man vänjer sig konstigt nog snabbt vid att nästan alltid vara på jobbet... (Har ju jobbat massvis och väldigt intensivt det senaste året)...

I onsdags träffade jag som ovan nämnt bästaste Emsan, vi åt lunch på Vetekatten (yummy, vilka sallader de har), och därefter skulle vi hämta plutten Ossie på dagis.

Tyvärr tog dagen slut strax efter det eftersom lilla Ossian började kaskadkräkas precis efter att vi hämtat honom... *stackars* (Tänker på er gumman)...

Sedan var det jobb igen, och i fredags jobbade jag heldag, vaccinationer mot H1N1 hela förmiddagen, vilket var kul som omväxling, eftersom Danderyds sjukhus bestämt att även anhöriga till oss som jobbar fick komma och vaccinera sig så hann jag med hela 25 vaccinationer under timmarna på förmiddagen! Hade man inte full koll på intra-muskulära injektioner i överarmen tidigare så har man det garanterat nu...

Kan ju passa på att berätta att jag själv också vaccinerade mig förra måndagen, och det var inget att oroa sig för. Sticket känns knappt alls, och den enda biverkningen som jag upplevt är lite lokal rodnad och svullnad samt lite ömhet i armen... :)

I fredags var det ju också Idol, som jag hann se utröstningen på när jag kom hem, och tyvärr är nu Idol 2009 slut för mig... Rabih, min lilla favorit, åkte ju ut...

I ärlighetens namn vet jag inte om jag skulle haft honom som favorit om det enbart var rösten som räknades, men han har ju en sån charm, så han har tagit mig med storm i alla fall...

Så nu när han är ute ur Idol, och därmed ögongodiset är slut, tror jag att mitt intresse för programmet kommer att sjunka kraftigt...

Idag är det en riktig slappardag här hemma, ska nog snart springa till sängen och lägga mig en stund igen... *ååh så sköööönt*

Och så är det bara 16 dagar kvar till Thailand... *YOOOOUPIIIII*

Ha en fin dag!

/ Bella

P.S. Råkar någon av er känna Rabih så kan ni ju hälsa honom att jag väntar på hans anhållan om min hand... *hihi*

lördag 31 oktober 2009

Vardagsinlägg och lite dreggel...

Trick or treat?? Idag är det Halloween... :)

Och så var det lördagafton igen...

Har som vanligt jobbat, vilket var helt ok, eftersom det var ett fantastiskt lugn som vilade över KUA idag, och jag jobbade med trevliga kollegor...
Det var nästan så bra att man inte ens hann störa sig på chefen som började krångla med schema och semesterplaner igår...

När jag slutade var jag en sväng och träffade älskade mamma på Odenplan, och vi gick en runda tillsammans och tände ljus för alla de våra kära som inte finns i denna världen med oss längre.
Gustav Vasa kyrka är väldigt vacker, och förutom att mina tankar gick till de kära som ej fick vara med oss på det fysiska planet idag, så väcktes en del tankar om tro och religion, och jag tänkte på något som kändes väldigt naturligt och bra, och vissa saker föll bara på plats, en harmonisk känsla...

Väl hemma pratade jag med ett par goda vänner, kära Emily var så klart en av dem...
Saknar dig gumman, och du vet att jag tänker på dig jämt även när vi inte ses.

Nu är det snart dags för sängen... Som ropar högt efter mig... *gääääsp*

Innan jag kilar ska jag dela ett litet klipp med er som fick mig att smälta igår...
Inte för att låten var den bästa han framfört, men de där sammetsögonen... Hjääälp, tror jag drunknar, hihi:) Go Rabih!!

Over and out folks... God natt och Happy Halloween på er alla!

torsdag 29 oktober 2009

Oh my... What a man!!


This post will be about a very charming man...

I just gotta say... What a man, what a man, what a wonderful man:P

Not only is he more charming than any other man, he is also very handsome, a great companion (especially if asking Kristina who is lucky enough to sleep by his side every night and living in his house...)

So, who is this charmeur? His name, or what we all call him is: MANNEN, in swedish meaning The Man, because that is just what he is...

At work, where we hear about him every day, there is not even one woman who is not already in love... He is completely overwhelmed with compliments as soon as we see him...

Kristina (the lucky one) is now used to hearing us moaning and just wishing we had a man like her at home (and I am not talking about her husband Ivo this time, although he is nice as well... )
This week Mannen has been called as well sweet and cuddly as handsome and sexy...

So I guess you are all eager to know who he is now??

Ok, ok... I will show you... C´mon and scroll down to see the man of my dreams, hihihi:)

Kristina, be sure, I´ll come and kidnap him anyday soon, even if I have to take the famous bus all the way to Märsta:P

Over and out, Bella


tisdag 27 oktober 2009

Around the world, around the world... A top 3 list...

Coucou people!

How are you doing? Ca va? Koulchi mazyane? :P

Yes, mixing languages must be one of my specialities at the moment...

I tend to mix and match faster than I think, and sometimes it ends up that I speak arabic with someone who does not know a word of it, or speaking swedish while I am visiting a foreign country where noone is expected to speak swedish...

Anyway, as a small update tonight it is all about a Top 3-list. Subject is travelling (surprised?!?)

and the post is made after a nice talk about best experiences so far with a friend last week.
Eventually, this list will be upgraded to a Top 10-list when I have more time, and when my bed is not calling me... :P

So here we go...

Best hotel stayed in:

1. Westin Grand, Berlin (for really living up to being a 5-star luxuryhotel)
2. Stay., New York (for nice interiors and design as well as lovely location and good-value)
3. Marigny, Paris (Just lovely... And especially the bathrooms...)

Best destination what so ever (Impossible to say for me, but I´ll give it a try...):

1. Paris... (For it´s immortality, beauty, history, stories, mix of people and neverending new excursions and well-hidden gems...)
2. Morocco, (No specific town, this country is Pays de merveilles, And A. did you manage to find the translation for this or not yet?...)
3. New York... (Special, like no other place...)

Most beautiful beach visited:

1. Beach on Koh Khai Nok, Southern Thailand... (Words not needed, gotta show you some pics... So long check out the one on the top of this post...)
2. Pefkohori, Kassandra, Greece. (At least 7 years ago, remember the times Em?)
3. Guincho beach, Estoril-area, Portugal... (Savage, beautiful and empty...)

Best travel-experience so far:

1. Thailand (For the relaxation, friendly people, great beaches and just a top-vacation...)
2. New York (For the spirit of the city, the shopping and fantastic experience)
3. Morocco... (For letting me get to know my 2nd home...)

Best travelcompanion:

1. My mother (I am so lucky!!)
2. Emily (Time for new adventures soon darling?)
3. Malika (Last year in Paris was great azizam!)

City most likely to be my home:

1. Paris (Without doubt)
2. New York (If it was not so damn far away...)
3. A Moroccan middle-sized or big city on the Atlantic coast... (Yes, I am in love with this country...)

Best hotel-breakfast:

1. Ibis Cambronne, 15:e arr, Paris. (Best breakfast ever, all categories, so fresh, so great! And just 7.50 Euros)
2. Turim Iberia, Lisbon.
3. Tropical Garden, Phuket, Thailand.

Most beautiful language spoken in country visited:

1. French... (So romantic...)
2. Italian... (Amore, amore...)
3. Arabic... (Yes, to me it is beautiful...)

Best dining-experience, restos only:

1. Some very nice local restaurant in Prague... (Unfortunately I don´t remember the name, but in Prague dining is never a problem!)
2. Sugar and Spice, London. (Must be something special as I still remember it from my first time in London 1999 with my aunt.)
3. Birkastans pizzeria, Stockholm. (Best pizzas in this world...)

Most romantic place visited:

1. Sintra, Lisbon-area, Portugal... (Takes my breath away)
2. Paris, (Biensur, this is it for romance...)
3. Florence, (Would be a great place for kisses, I am sure...)

This is it for now... Sleep well!

/ Rebeccina

lördag 17 oktober 2009

Idol goes MJ and Miss 1001 nuits follows through the whole show:P

So, I don´t know about you all, but I think that at least you swedish folks, and probably some of the rest of you knows the show called "Idol"... In U.S. of course "American Idol"

Usually I am not a big fan of following tv-shows, and "Idol" is no exception.
But last night, the theme of the night in "Idol" was MJ, and I had nothing better to do, so I actually stayed in front of the tv following the whole show...

Some of the artists were not that great, but I found 2 or maybe 3 favourites...

In a minute, I promise I´ll show them all to you;)
But in return you should tell me what you think about them, who is the best, who deserves to come through to the next weeks final, and who has got the biggest charms??

So, let´s not wait any longer, here are my favourites...

This girl has got talent!! Go Reza, go Reza... Although I have to admit I got a bit surprised when I first saw her with just hearing her name before... I have just known Reza as an iranian male-name before this...

And number 2, here comes Rabih... I don´t know if I am more charmed by his sweet looks or by the exceptional performance...

And finally, this one is for you Linda... *hihi* But sure, I like him too...

Sorry that you have to click on the links to see the clips, but it just did not to work any other way...

So folks, what´s your opinion??

Over and out from Miss Al Flilaoulila and avdelning 57K, Danderyd... (from where she is writing this...)

fredag 16 oktober 2009

Torrare än torraste sommardag i Sahara...

Hej vänner!

Just nu råder blog-torka, en ordentlig sådan också...

Har i och för sig inte haft så mycket tid över heller, men jag skäms faktiskt lite över att det är sååå länge sedan jag uppdaterade...

Med mig är allt i alla fall väl, al hamdolilah, har bara varit fullt sysselsatt den senaste tiden.

Jag hoppas att jag snart ska kunna ta mig i kragen och börja blogga lite mer igen!

För visst saknar ni väl mina små inlägg??


The Bella

onsdag 30 september 2009

Questionnaire - Travels...

Time for a quiz again, this time it is all about travelling...

1. Dreamdestination?

I have too many of them... Something I really would like to do one day though is going on a real Safari in Kenya or Tanzania...

2. Most romantic place visited?

Hm... Really don´t know, but Lissabon has to be ranked high on the top 5 list...

If you´re there with your amour, you must visit Sintra, sooo romantic...

3. Best place for shopping?

New york, New york and New york... Don´t miss the weekend sale on Macy´s...

4. Most beautiful beach?

Probably the small beach on Koh Khai Nok in the archipelago of Phuket... Too bad it is usually crowded with people...

5. Favourite Swedish place?
Stockholm is a beauty, but my answer will be Karlskrona... Especially the small island called Tjurkö... Though Arild in Skåne is a runner-up...

6. Best country so far?

I think almost impossible to answer, they all have their charm...

7. Any place you don´t want to visit?

Not that I can think of at the moment actually, though some places are more tempting than others...

8. Citylife or sunbathing?

A combination is the best, but if I have to choose I go for the citylife...

9. Place abroad visited most times?

Hm... After some counting I think it is Casablanca, Morocco... 10 times...

10. Place you want to go back to?

Almost every place I have visited... But Morocco, Paris and Thailand are some of the favourites...

11. Continent (exept the one that you are living in) where you´ve spent most time?


12. Best European city?

I think my choice will be... PARIS...

13. Most surprising place you´ve been to and why?

Dubai was not at all what I had been expecting, yet very nice!

14. Worst place visited?

Hm... Difficult question... Could it be some of the suburbs in S:t Petersburg??

15. Where did you enjoy the food the most?

I think my answer will be either Prague (lovely restaurants and good prices... or Morocco, there is nothing like homecooked Moroccan food...)

16. Nicest people?

Thaipeople are very very nice and welcoming...

17. Most arrogant people?

German? Russian? or maybe Swedish...?

18. Next destination?

That will be Paris...

19. Most recently booked travel?

Dubai for the second time...

20. How many times are you planning to go abroad next year?

Who knows... If I know myself well enough it will be at least 10...

Over and out!

/ Bella

måndag 28 september 2009

Shop-o-mania like nowhere else!

So here comes the next post about the Dubai-trip...
And it is about one of the major activities in the city, can you guess what??
Shopping of course!

Ramadan-packages from Carrefour...

Lovely bedouin-tent inside Bur Juman mall...

Al Jaber gallery, shop for souvernirs here!

Inside Wafi mall...

Aladdin-lamps at Al-Jaber gallery, Deira City Center...

Promotions at electronic-store Plug-Ins...

This is the best book-store ever!

Galeries Lafayette selling abayas!

Real arabic perfumes... I found some favourites here...

Of course there is a Sephoa in Dubai-mall...

Inside Paris Gallery, luxiorious perfumestore...

A wonderful store for furniture, and the prices are a dream!

Dubai is not only the place where you can go bargaining for kilos of gold, or luxurios designerclothes, no this is a place where you can find shopping-treasures even if you don´t have the same amout of money as Mr. Trump och Sheikh Mohammed himself at your bankaccount.

Dubai is the city where you can go shopping in the huge and spacious malls, or if you prefer, why not go out to one of the crowded markets to haggle and bargain with the Indian immigrants and maybe get a good bargain to take home... That is, if you are stubborn enough to bargain and bargain, over and over again just to have some more dirhams off the price...

The malls are neverending, both when it comes to space and number...

Focus on seeing the ones that you think you will like the most, there is no chance too see all of them, or even the half of them. When you get inside the big malls, get yourself a map, it will help you to not get lost... Usually the malls are not only big, but also very fancy, but don´t be shy to pay a visit to the stores, even if your creditcard could not cover to buy even one of the cheapest things inside!

When you are finished in the airconditioned malls (if you ever will be), find a taxi to leave your things at the hotel and have a power-nap before heading out to one of the markets to find dozens and dozens of nice copies of the designerbrands that you have just seen in the malls...

And, once again, don´t forget to haggle the price!
So before finishing this off, here are some quick tips from a true shopoholic like me:

1. Be sure to bring enough money, better to bring too much than not having enough...
2. Don´t bring your husband/boyfriend (if he is not as into shopping as you are)...

3. Be sure to plan your time, when getting inside a big mall, get a map and try to figure how you will get to see the pieces and bits that you want the most...

4. Get some fuel every now and then, all of the malls have lovely food-courts, and you will find things that you will love no matter what your taste is like. And don´t forget to drink lots of water!

5. Don´t fall for the first offer you see, remember where the shop is located and that you can always come back if you don´t find a better bargain!

This is it for now... Take care and hope to see you soon!

tisdag 22 september 2009

There aint no place like this...

Continuing Dubai-theme, I will share some pics from the lovely desert of Dubai with you...

One of my dreams are to one day spend some more time in the desert and sleep under the stars.
This time, which was my first visit to the desert ever, was just a couple of hours and to be honest a little bit too touristic, by me and my sweet mamma had a great time anyway:)

We were picked up by our driver with the 4WD Jeep about 16.00 in the afternoon and then headed out, through the heavy traffic of Dubai, to the outskirts, and then finally came closer and closer to the sanddunes of the real desert...

To start of with, there was quite a lot of sandbashing (really a little bit too much, but I suppose they think most tourists love that...) Anyway, it was ok, though we thought at least of of the cars in the Jeep-caravan would turn over, noone did, the drivers must have been very used to driving in deep loose sand...

After 2 quick stops, for sandboarding and visiting a small camelfarm (with opportunities for photographing) we reached our desertcamp. Instead of joining the touristic camelriding and other activities we went for a short walk and found a place of our own where we sat down and just enjoyed the silence and peace of the desert while watching the sunset...

After about an hour the dinner-buffet (arabic style) was ready, and to my surprise it was so good! Before heading back to the bustling city I had some henna painted on my hand, and although it could not compare to the henna I use to make in Morocco, it was very nice:)

So here are some pics, enjoy!

Me laying down in the sanddunes...

Mamma in the sunset...

Camels (or actually dromedars) on the farm...

The dinnertables at the camp...

Aint it lovely..?


The boss of the camp...

Over and out!

söndag 20 september 2009

When we are talking about hotels and resorts...

As one of my most fatithful readers just commented, can a hotel really have 7 stars, or is it just a way for them to promote themselves? Burj Al Arab claims to be the only 7-starhotel in the world.
Actually, according to what I have heard a hotel can just have 5 stars, and as I wrote back to Linda, that I think Burj Al Arab is officially also classified as a 5-starhotel...
And while we are on this topic, hotels and resorts, I think there are more beautiful places to stay in, that also woule be better worth the money spent, than Burj Al Arab...
~ Al Maha resort ~

~The Palace Old town ~

~ The One and Only Royal Mirage ~


~Atlantis on the Palm ~

So which one would it be??